WoodMarvels.com May 2012 Review: Month Best Forgotten
Well, I decided early in the month of May to get some long-delayed website updates done… programmer said it would take about an hour and that’s when things went to hell. WoodMarvels.com was thrown offline for about a week and was non-functioning – meaning people couldn’t purchase or gain access to their account for another two! While all this was happening, I was in the garage CNC’ing away, so much so, the ShopBot Desktop decided to stop working. Good news is that the site works now, bad news is I’m still waiting for the site upgrade to finish (1 hour of work takes a programmer one month to get around to apparently) and am going though tech @ ShopBot to get to the bottom of the issue – they have been incredibly helpful shipping me new parts and I hope that these two issues are fixed shortly!
Basically, CNC and site going down with the RIAA claiming ownership of my stuff… a month best forgotten!
May 2012 Happenings!
- Managed to officially launch one product last month, the Straddle Carrier CNC (will be releasing a bunch over the coming week)
- Wrote about my ShopBot Desktop experiences thus far, technical difficulties, Sony and others claiming my music as theirs and all my books being widely available, print-on-demand throughout Europe!
Goals for June 2012
Well that all depends, expecting some very big things to happen in the next few weeks! Until then, getting all these CNC projects out the door and on the site!
Straddle Carrier B CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)
ShopBot’ing a CNC Straddle Carrier B: Proof of Concept