WoodMarvels.com books now available throughout Europe!

Over the coming week, all my WoodMarvels.com books will be made available at the following sites: Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it and Amazon.es – beforehand, I had to process the orders manually through a third party to enable delivery.

On a related note, WoodMarvels.com books are currently being translated into Chinese! I hope to expand into Spanish and French (two big markets that I make lots of sales to) sometime next year. This fall will be a crazy busy one for sure! I’m still trying to figure-out the best way to run these languages on the website as I should be up to half a dozen languages within the next two years. Japanese is also on the top of my list as is German but those will be later next year. Going the book route is a far more efficient way to get this done and greatly expands potential sales abroad.

I hope to have a few big announcements to make in the summer – we are growing fast and furious!!!