WoodMarvels.com July 2010 Review

I’m happy to announce that this month, I’ve completed two custom projects, one for a CNC router manufacturing company and the other, a large multinational laser cutter manufacturer. I will post details of each in the coming month once they are made public but both projects were great fun and I look forward to releasing the plans on WoodMarvels.com. We are also expanding into new markets as well, more details once they are finished but it’s incredibly exciting!


Total video views grew by another 10% this month again. Just for comparison, a year ago, I was hitting a little over 10K a month and now, I’m hitting north of 50K a month! Put another way, I’m now generating more video views per month than I use to over a 5 month period last year! Wow!

So, what happened over the course of the past month?

My focus last month is the same for this month, update animations to 720p, improve consistency across the site and get those DXF files out the door!

  • Updated the Cantilever,  Pterodactyl, Full Armor Gear Transporter, Mayan Temple Bank, Full Armor Gear Bull animations to 720p and fixed a few minor issues, some also had DXF and EPS files made available for the first time.
  • DXF’ed Medieval Castle Bank, Mangonel and Mangonel B models.
  • Completed a few major software purchases to dramatically improve key aspects of the animations, for instance, I can now produce somewhat realistic environments (still learning of course) such as you see in the Bobcat 3D assembly animation.
  • Relaunched the Submarine to no longer require sanding of the back wheel to fit (necessitated an updated DXF and EPS file).
  • Released new projects such as David’s amazing Bobcat and Loader.
  • I did a guest blog about how I hit 500 000 video views (over two and a half years).
  • I released some pictures that I had from Christmas 2009 that included some laser cut models.
  • Oh, and by the way, on our traditionally slowest month, WoodMarvels.com also reached a sales record! Over the past 6 months, the website has almost matched profits for all of last year! Our busiest season is September through January by the way.

Plans for August

More of the same, with a few surprises. Stay tuned!

Submarine: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Cantilever Side Table:3D Assembly Animation(720HD)

Pterodactyl: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Full Armor Gear Transporter: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Mayan Temple Bank: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Bobcat: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Full Armor Gear Bull:3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Loader: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)