Submarine: Product Refresh!

There are a few models on which require the use of different wood thicknesses to complete such as the submarine, whale, dolphin and amazing train. Not only is this a pain in the ass, but it also leads to higher costs and lots of wasted material. So, I’m happy to announce I’ve updated the wooden Submarine to be cut using only one wood thickness! At the same time, I streamlined the shape slightly and, while I was at it… updated the 3D animation too!

I’ve since retired the old design and updated the files – if you bought a submarine in the past, I believe you will be able to re-download them, if you have any trouble, please send me an e-mail using the contact form. It’s available in PDF, DXF, EPS and physical kit, the cutting prices are slightly cheaper even though it still has the same number of pieces, shipping is now cheaper too!

Submarine: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)’s Submarine Evolution

One of the unique features about is the 3D assembly videos to help with your shopping decisions… but now, this has the added benefit of showing how designs progressed through the age. So, going back down memory lane, from most “recent” to “latest”, here is the evolution of the wooden submarine!

Submarine: 3D Assembly Animation (HD previous animation)

Submarine: 3D Assembly Animation (dowel based but laser cut look)

Submarine: 3D Assembly Animation (very first animation with hardwood look)