WoodMarvels.com December 2011 Review

December flew by, I moved (yet again), this time to Northern Ontario into a remote city of about 100 people but as long as I had internet, I was fine running things as normal. WoodMarvels.com had a flood of activity as usual so here is a summary of what happened during the month of December.

I’ll be doing a “year in review” in a few days so you can see how far WoodMarvels.com has come over the past year and where it’s headed into the future!

Other than a releasing a bunch of new CNC projects, hitting 1 000 0000 video views on Youtube was probably the biggest accomplishment.

So, what happened at WoodMarvels.com over the month of December?

  • WoodMarvels.com was mentioned in a feature article within Oz’s The Cutting Edge Magazine
  • New CNC projects were released including the Ford Model T CNC Runabout, Apatosaurus CNC (Brontosaur), Submarine CNC, Centrosaur CNC, Future Car CNC, Helicopter CNC,
  • Released DXF version of my popular Sydney Harbor Bridge laser design as well as bird houses
  • I wrote about the work done on my CNC projects to optimized the design and to test it out using my new ShopBot Desktop, wrote about Medieval Era related projects, my holiday reading list,
  • Richard also sent me some pictures of his CNC’ed Ford Model T.
  • … then my fan blew and I was out of commission for two weeks!

January 2011 Goals

HP did a great job fixing my computer but it was still a two week turnaround due to my remote location, my goal is just to catchup to where I was hoping to be by the end of the month!


Centrosaur CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a Centrosaur: Proof of Concept

Brontosaur CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a Brontosaurus: Proof of Concept

Helicopter CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a Helicopter: Proof of Concept


Submarine CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a Submarine: Proof of Concept


1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a 1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout: Proof of Concept


Future Car CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

ShopBot’ing a Future Car: Proof of Concept
