Structure done for CNC King: Design Efficiently, Run Profitably

It has taken me about a week to outline the entire book and get the basic structure in place for my 5th volume. It will be as different as the first was to the second or the 3rd to the fourth… I’ve learned a tremendous amout over the past year and a half and those leaps will be shown.

One aspect that I started to include in my last volume are voices from other designers and those within the CNC design field… that has been expanded greatly. The more I learn about the various fields around “design” the more I realize how much they have in common with entrepreneurship. A great design has to be showcased, marketed everywhere and constantly brought back into the public consciousness… running a business is the same!

Now that I’ve established the basic structure of the book, the next step is filling it in with content and editing, editing and when I’m tired of editing… a bit more editing! I’m waiting content from others to add to the book as well so that will take a few weeks to finalize.

If you want to become a decent writer, the best way to achieve this is to write and consistently rewrite what you wrote to be better and using fewer words. Standardization is also key, I have to bring a year and a half of work to the “present day” as writing styles, graphics and descriptions have all evolved. This isn’t something noticeable as the evolution is so incremental but put it all together and it’s quite  task to behold.

Suffice it to say, this book will be as big if not bigger than my last volume… not because I want it to be big, there is just that much I want to stick in this book! I want to keep it under 500 pages though so part of the editing process is to share more and then condense it down, paragraph by paragraph and page by page.

The Eiffel Tower wasn’t designed and built in a day and neither is this upcoming book… spent the weekend in the garage cutting and building stuff inbetween editing breaks so will have a bunch of videos and content to share on the blog this week.

One of the toughest aspect of a book of this scope is trying to think of a front cover, luckily this time around, it’s one of the first things I imagined and it makes perfect sense, at the moment, to me at least. My goal is to have the first draft all sorted by Christmas which leaves me a month and a half… time to get cracking!