Anthony Davies: Owner at Drakkn Custom Shop (UK)

I’m a very non-technical person, if my CNC machine breaks, I’m completely dead in the water till a tech comes and resolves the issue. Thankfully, I’ve never had problems with my machines but Anthony took things one step further, he actually built is very own CNC router for his company!

You can contact Anthony by visiting his site at

You built your very own CNC router over the past year… can you share some stats about it such as intended power, size, torque and what you plan on cutting/engraving with it? Your controlboard is rather unique… just love it!

home made cnc routerBasically the machine footprint is 1220mm x 610mm with nema 23 motors and a 400w spindle.I plan on cutting wood,aluminium and engraving the panels for amplifiers.As for the control board it is currently toasted – I used chinesee stepper controllers with the TB6500 series drive chip – which have proven to be unrealiable.I am going to use the control system from in the UK which appears to be very reliable.

home made cnc router  home made cnc routerWhat made you want to build your own CNC router? You have lots of talent to do this… I know only a few people who have done that, you are now the member of a small elite group within the CNC industry!

I have been wanting a cnc machine for a long time and have seen plenty in action , but could never afford the high prices for the larger machines , so my motto is “If you dont try then dont complain” so I hung about on forum for a while gathering information – I am a computer engineer/carpenter by trade so I thought yep “can do that” so after a few false starts I ended up with the smoothkam build.

home made cnc router

You are both a musician and a sound engineer… how does this help you pursuit your musical passion? Have you released any records or hit any charts locally or internationally yet? Do you play any gigs?

I am slightly known in local circles ,( but not nationally )more for being a musicians than a sound engineer – so I do know where to play and have lots of contacts – No chart stuff but the band known as Green T play a lot of local stuff ,charities etc , but 2015 sees us playing some festivals in the UK.

home made cnc router

Can you tell me more about Drakkn Custom Shop? What does it do, where is it going and how does CNC machinery help / fit in with the business? Do you plan on CNC’ing all your custom cases?

Drakkn Custom shop – we make cigar box guitars , any kind of case or cabinet , effect pedals and valve amplifiers – although we are a new company things are starting to improve as the economy is not good at present.

Thanks for your patience and info that you have on the website.

home made cnc router