My YouTube account hits 2 Million Video Views!

2m youtube views

Yep, I’ve just passed over 2 million youtube video views today – I stopped tracking video views on other sites a few months ago as the stats were getting highly subject and YouKu and Toudu, both Chinese equivalents to YouTube kicked me off in the same day… there goes the “we are two independent companies” idea. Some countries just can’t handle CNC laser, table router and 3D printed projects being shown to their populace!

For those following me since the beginning, you’ll notice that I actually announced 2 million video views over a year ago but that was a conglomerate of half a dozen sites – now I’m using YouTube online. You can read about it here: and if you want to go way back… the first million can be found here:

This number is meaning less and less over time as I no longer care if I have 20 000 views a day or 1 000, as long as it’s a customer who ends-up buying or telling others about What does oneload tell me the conglomerate of all my views is? Well that number now has reached 2 517 115 so I’m well on my way to 3 million!