WoodMarvels.com joins Etsy!

I’ve been hearing lots of good things about Etsy from other designers so I decided to give them a try as well. For those who don’t know, it’s like eBay without the auction and specializes in “handmade” items. Sure, laser cut items aren’t handmade but they are not mass produced either so I think having our stuff on there is in the same spirit as their mission in this sense.

You can visit our Etsy homepage at: http://WoodMarvels.etsy.com

Within a few hours, we already made it onto “Hearts Me” lists of some kind (I just joined so not sure how these things work) so it looks like waves are already starting to crest for WoodMarvels.com in the Etsy world!

We also have some massively great news coming in June, stay tuned!

Random Animation: Cessna!