WoodMarvels.com is dropping Revver.com for Blip.tv

Revver.com has been a great service for WoodMarvels.com but guess what, they are down again! I have had enough! So, today, we are switching all our videos to the Blip.tv platform. We will still be uploading our stuff to Revver.com but after today, no longer play an active role in our development.

As a result of this change, I had to take a few videos off our homepage as they where not uploaded to Blip.tv yet but rest assured, once they are available, they will be switched over ASAP.

I don’t know what happened to Revver.com but I suspect that they will continue to bleed and as for WoodMarvels.com, don’t want to be around when they go into cardiac arrest.

I wish Revver.com the best of luck with their platform. Blip.tv has come an incredibly long way since I first tested them out a while back, as such, they now win my business.