WoodMarvels.com Volume 4: Rise of the CNC Update

I’ve finally gotten around to tentatively placing all the content developed so far for my upcoming WoodMarvels.com Volume 4: Rise of the CNC (tentative title) book which I was hoping to be finished by the end of the year but we’ll see. The page count so far, north of 200 and it’s missing a few sections of additional content – I’m guessing by the time all is said and done, it will be roughly 300 pages – same size as the other books but 33% more!

What makes this book unique from my other books is that it will contain not just laser designs but also CNC table router ones in addition to a few other new laser designs I’m working on… with some 3D Printer information as well – I haven’t gotten too much into this field yet but I did tip my toes in those waters but right now, unsure about how much will make it into the book.

Each time I write one of these volumes, I try to put EVERYTHING I can into it – now that Amazon.com’s digital printing process allows up to 700 pages books to be printed on-demand (tech is great isn’t it!) I am no longer bound by the roughly 200 page limit I had to content with during earlier editions. The table of contents so far is already spread across two pages, each with two columns! I can put so much more into this book than I could ever imagine, additional product renders, lots more written content, design overviews… basically, if you have this book, you will know how to design for CNC table routers and laser cutters with abundant references so your mistakes are kept at a minimum – years of trial and error, condensed into one book showing every aspect of my design process from start to finish.

Another major reason why I make these volumes is to make things consistent as well across the board – updating step-by-step instructions, product renders, resolutions… it’s a lot of work but when its all said and done, very satisfying! This will be the last book featuring a mix of old (but not in previous volumes) and new designs as well – if you have all 4 volumes, you have EVERYTHING I’ve ever designed up to that point. I then get the opportunity to start with a 100% clean slate… an aspect I also very much look forward to.

I was hoping to have this done and published before Christmas but I refuse to rush something for the holidays… I prefer to take my time and make something AMAZING rather than trying to beat a pre-defined quota – sales will follow regardless and in the long run – I want something I can proudly stand by instead of regrets about cutting corners. I learned a tremendous amount working on my wife’s HowToChinese.com 400+ page book which we released several months ago – these lessons will be applied towards this book too in addition to feedback from designers and woodcraft enthusiasts around the world from my previous volumes.

My fourth volume will be the heaviest, biggest and most diversified book covering CNC design ever published – EVER!