WoodMarvels.com Volume 2: +500$ on Amazon.com!

Crazy things are happening at Amazon.com right now with my 2nd volume of designs book – the price I set has been increased more than 20x since they had an ISBN bug show-up on my earlier books! As of now, my book is selling for $520.27 + $3.99 shipping.

WoodMarvels.com Volume 2

WoodMarvels.com Volume 2 selling price as of yesterday… now it’s even higher!

I didn’t know that a book that’s available for less than 10% of this on CNCKing.com would be such a collector’s item in print. What happened a little over a week ago is that Amazon.com put my books on hold – they print my books on-demand when an order is received and send me some lunch money in return every few months. It’s a great system… until they put the printing on hold due to ISBN issues which really don’t exist – I’ve been selling this book for years without any issue.

I’ve sent them the documentation they requested, seems their own records are out of date which caused this whole issue to arise in the first place but what’s even crazier is that I’ve sold some books at this crazy valuation! As they are second hand, I didn’t get any lunch money so somebody is making huge returns on investment but it certainly isn’t me.

If I were you guys, I’d throw all my books on the second hand market right now on Amazon.com for like 250$ and if somebody buys it, wait till the ISBN issues are fixed by Amazon and buy 10 copies to give to friends. Somebody keeps buying these books at these valuations… which is why they keep on going up!