WoodMarvels.com + Vectorealism.com (Milan, Italy)


Vectorealism picks our CH-47 Chinook!

Vectorealism is a laser cutting hub that I have access through our partnership with Ponoko to cut my designs, in Milan, Italy. So far, I can get my stuff cut in New Zealand, Germany, United States and thanks to a few friends with laser cutters, quite a few other places which I will announce at a later date.

With the launch of their new website in both Italian and English, they used one of our designs on our homepage. The WoodMarvels.com CH-47 Chinook Helicopter.

You can purchase the CH-47 Chinook at our main site under Theme / Weapons of Mass Fun in DXF, PDF, EPS and physical kit. Depending on where you are located and the materials available… you just might get a version of it cut by Vectorealism out of Milan!

CH-47 Chinook Helicopter: 3D Assembly Animation