WoodMarvels.com: The United Nations for CNC Enthusiasts!

One thing that I’ve grown to enjoy about WoodMarvels.com which I think is quite unique is that I can have conversations with customers and visitors regarding the site in real time without having to resort to skype or other systems.

As you can see from the screenshot on the right, depending on when I login you can see when people wake-up or go to bed almost country by country around the world (Brazil was waking-up just now as you can see by the surge there). It’s a pretty neat thing… and rather enjoyable finding out what machines people are using, what kind of wood they have locally available along with just general chatting about the industry in general. Some shops are massive (they later send me pictures) while other visitors are just students gathering projects for a research paper.

I think the site has grown tremendously through the years and I look forward to talking to people more often when I have time… so if you see a chat pop-up while visiting WoodMarvels.com – send me a shout next time you see me!