WoodMarvels.com Status Update

As I posted earlier this year, I’ve now moved to Australia from Canada and my ShopBot Desktop from ShopBot Tools should be in my hands in 2-3 weeks… so I’m getting excited! I still have a backlog of completed and working CNC table router projects which I have to upload to Youtube and WoodMarvels.com which I hope to release before I get moving on some new projects.

In the meantime, the new computer is working fantastically – getting lots of work rendered and getting things where they should be! I hope to begin releasing some new models in September – still have quite a few things left to get through first. If you think there is lots of stuff now to help you with your cutting needs… hang on for the upcoming ride!

As for the 4th volume of WoodMarvels.com volumes, I’m still hoping to have that done by the end of the year, the Chinese translations of my previous books is well underway – had a few opportunities (yes, those damn opportunities keep coming up!) which are taking an incredible amount of time but like anything else, one opportunity leads to another and yet another… so a delay here and there actually ends-up improving things exponentially more than if the opportunity wouldn’t have presented itself.

This year has been incredibly productive on so many fronts – just want to say a big thanks to all my customers, suppliers and a host of other people (you know who you are) around the world for making WoodMarvels.com such a great international success in the CNC table router and laser cutting fields! It’s quite incredible how much opportunity has been given to me, the amazing creators I’ve had the pleasure of working with and how much there is yet to do!