WoodMarvels.com on EngraversRegister.com

EngraversRegister.com is a website downunder that focuses linking up people with laser machines with people that have projects that need to be cut… along the same lines as 100KGarages.com by ShopBot Tools but for laser machines instead of CNC laser routers. The site grew pretty quickly out of the VIIE show down in Sydney about a week ago and they’ve even posted a short blog article about WoodMarvels.com as an inspiration of the day!

WoodMarvels.com is now an official sponsor of the site as of yesterday… a very proud badge of honor! The fact that Trotec Lasers Australia is involved with the site makes it all the cooler! Check them out at EngraversRegister.com and if you are in Australia looking for something to have made or to help somebody else make… be sure to register with them! You’ll be in great hands!