WoodMarvels.com Introduction: Video #1

This year I had a project that I wanted to get started on, seeing sales and traffic go up dramatically – I think it’s now time to take things to the next step with WoodMarvels.com and start producing videos showing the cutting and assembly of EVERY model found on the site.

Introduction to Video

I started making videos about a year back “seriously” with another property I run, HowToChinese.com and I learned a tremendous amount of camera tips and techniques doing that including green screening. That was done with my first point-and-shoot camera then I bought an updated Sony half way though (still point and shoot but could do 1080p). So I knew the next step was to go broadcast quality… so here’s what I got.

Equipment List

Quick Camera Test

I did a quick camera test yesterday, I didn’t have my lights, microphones or half the supplies you see above yet (should arrive any day) but the sound quality and video is pretty darn good. The reason why I went for the XF100 over other models and brands is due to the image quality (4:2:2 broadcast), ability to do stop motion which will come in very handy when I do the assembly videos, flexibility with it’s remote control and turning monitor… oh yeah… I just buy another one and I can make 3D videos too!