Wooden Big Wheels on Make Magazine Online!

Make Magazine Online just posted a bit more details about my Wooden Big Wheels I made while I lived in Perth, Australia – I’ve since moved back to Canada and the Wooden Big Wheels sadly didn’t fit in the crate so somebody there has the original but without a seat!


Jon Cantin Make Magazine

It was a fun project to do, I learned a lot and is one of the first that I’ll redo once I get a full-sheet router – I really want to get into furniture design and the CNC router is the perfect tool for that. Maybe even engrave some details using the laser with inlays… will see!

You can guy this project right now at CNCKing.com – it can be made with either a CNC laser or router but it isn’t something I’d ever attempt as a “first” project on the site, try something simpler to get your feet wet first!