Windows 8 Installer = GARBAGE!

I’ve been having stability issues with my new computer since I got it almost a year ago now with Windows 7. Some programs cause it to crash within 15 seconds of opening them like my 3D animation program and now my Cubify 3D printing program! I’ve found work-arounds to these, mostly involving using my older laptop for certain tasks that I know will crash my new computer (both run Windows 7 btw).

I’ve heard all the bad things about Windows 8 but I figured, if it can solve the issues I’m having with not being able to open certain programs without a crash EACH AND EVERY TIME then it’s worth it. Heading to the store with my 50$, I got Windows 8 Pro and then the real nightmare began.

The installer told me I had to delete some drivers to be “compatible” with Windows 8, not a big deal… the installer was nice enough to do this for me and continue onto the installation. Well, after 4 tries, each one saying essentially “we can’t upgrade your new computer for some unknown reason” I’ve given up. Luckily for me, Windows reverted to 7 “just as it was before” except it wasn’t like before… all those drivers were STILL GONE which caused lots of fun to ensue like no internet etc… until I found them online again via forums and re-installed what Windows deleted. I tried several software restores but they didn’t solve it either.

When Microsoft fixes its installer to actually do something as trivial as moving THEIR operating system from their last version to their newest, I’ll be happy but until then, Windows 8 Installer… you are absolute garbage and a waste of time.

Now I have to head to the store that doesn’t give refunds on open software and explain to them why Microsoft’s newest operating system won’t work on a computer less than a year old running their previous one. Who do I send a bill to for two days of wasted productivity?