Where does inspiration come from?

I mentioned repeatedly over the years that I want to get into full scale woodcrafts, basically, BIG ENORMOUS pieces. As such, I come across a few designers (they are rare) who exhibit what I want to get into eventually and… of course, sell the plans of for others to make at home!

So far, my largest pieces have been the Syndey ANZAC War Memorial which, if made using 6mm thick material would be roughly a meter cube and the Mars Rover: Opportunity which has similar dimensions (animations at the end of this blog post).

Peter Hennessey

This guys stuff is huge, and makes a statement… I really enjoy his work (online) and if he ever happens to have an exhibit around where I might be at that time, I’ll go for sure for a chat and visit! His designs aren’t just big but they are very detailed! The one thing I don’t like about his designs is the use of steel bolts, rods and nuts. I feel this takes away from the finished art, I much prefer everything to come from the same sheets of wood. I think it gives the piece more significance and weight. I do understand though, that sometimes, to prevent sagging and for structural reasons, this might be needed. Anyways, I’m a big fan of his work.

Being a big enthusiast of space and after writing a science fiction novel happening mostly in space, I can’t help but really want to jump into making something big myself!


Michael T. Rea

Where Peter uses laser cut and CNC’ed wood to provide contrast and power to his pieces, Michael does using very smooth lines and rope. His pieces are very whimsical and free flowing. There is a lot of ingenuity and I really appreciate how things flow. I absolutely LOVE his “Time Machine” and “Suit for Steven Hawking” but his other work is also as impressive as it is beautiful!


He also replied to my e-mail and gave me this additional link to see even more of his amazing creations: http://ebersmoore.com/rea11.html. You have to check-out “American Luger” & “Tsavo Manhunters” as well… so much great and imaginative stuff!

I encourage you to check these two talented artists, just to give you an idea what is possible using nothing more than wood, a brain and inspiration!

Sydney ANZAC War Monument: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Mars Rover: Opportunity: How to Build (HD)