What is CNCKing.com?
Starting from today onwards, I will start launching projects here on CNCKing.com that are neither 3D animated or rendered but ARE still proven/tested. I started this business back in October 2008 with a singular goal of providing great digital CNC projects for the masses and part of that, animating, rendering and teaching myself the ropes of the business.
As WoodMarvels.com grew and later got rebranded into CNCKing.com, more and more extraordinary designers have been sending me files and waiting MONTHS for their stuff to appear on CNCKing.com. It makes me feel bad having to tell them – next month and then the following month… next month. When I first opened-up the site to other designers, this wasn’t much of an issue as the influence of the site was small and designs were few and far between but that’s rapidly changing and I just can’t keep-up – realizing that this will only get “worse” doesn’t help matters either!
Another situation I’m faced with is that I spend so much time on other people’s designs that I rarely have time to design things myself! I really like designing, it’s great fun both virtually and physically… it’s a challenge that never really ends and that I’m very grateful to be able to share with others. I actually had to push several projects back when I designed the Eiffel Tower, it was a conscious decision that although other designers waiting on their stuff understand – still bothed me. I see CNCKing.com as far bigger than just me, that’s why with the rebranding I added myself, for the first time, on the designer’s list along with everybody else!
What is CNCKing.com?
Although things have evolved overtime, the fundamentals have remained the same. The site’s sole focus is on providing marvelous PROVEN designs for CNC machine operators and designers alike. I’m not focused on only 3D printed projects anymore than I am on laser, table router, plasma or anything else that comes online. There are plenty of sites out there both niche and mass-designer orientated on digital distribution of contents – some use “upload all your stuff here and make money” approach while others are extremely well curated. I’ve considered both approaches but I think opening-up a bit more is necessary for the site’s continued growth from both a customer and designer’s point of view.
PROVEN designs
This is one aspect that I simply will not bend on. The last thing I want is customers buying a design from CNCKing.com and sending me an e-mail stating that the design doesn’t work. Back in the day, being a few mm off on a laser cut model wasn’t a big deal – I fudged along like everybody else but with the advent of 3D printers where a working model is CRITICAL otherwise time, energy and money for the entire model is wasted… I just can’t take the chance. A peg that’s 6mm too long is one thing, a 3D printed model that takes 9 hours to print and costs 30$ in material that must be trashed is quite another.
I actually get lots of people sending me 3d printing files – and yes, that section of CNCKing.com is lacking for sure – but as any designer will tell you, there is a massive difference between a virtual model and a physical one. That is the main reason why that end of things remains small… I don’t want renders, I want physical proof that your model works otherwise I’m not even going to look at it!
What I find ironic is that designers often turn around and tell me how expensive it is to test a model hence why they didn’t do it – yet at the same time, have no qualms about having other people buying their design leaving me to deal with customer support and issuing refunds. The demographic of the site has also changed slightly through the years, I’m seeing a lot more general consumers without the design knowledge or machine expertise – you know, the kind of customers who buy a laser cutter without any idea of what FOCUS is sending me pictures of a model way above their pay scale they are mad didn’t work after spending hours cutting through the board with a jigsaw. I never really had issues like this before nor do I enjoy telling them they are doing things wrong but thankfully, they are a minority.
Designers with PROVEN designs welcome!
If you have a proven design with pictures and video, send them my way for sure! I’m still reviewing the digital files thoroughly, just not spending the hours and days necessary for making a 3d animation and assembly instructions. It doesn’t mean I never will develop these, it just means you can launch your project NOW on CNCKing.com rather than wait for me to get around to producing the media for it. The standards haven’t changed – just my time management. I’m still working very hard on my upcoming book – which takes a tremendous amount of time so my focus for the next month or two is designing stuff for said book – filing-in the gaps. If you have designs from other CNC machines as well, please send them too – I’m the CNC King – not the 3D printer King or the laser cutter king but CNC KING!
Guests Posts Wanted
Another aspect of the site that’s changing is that I’m allowing guests posts on this blog! I really want designers to learn about design – I still don’t think of myself as a designer – but there are people out there with a fresh look that I think needs to be shared and I’ve been lucky enough to build a worldwide platform for them to share their wares with. So, if you have something to share – send me a message using CNCKing.com’s contact form or chat with me when you see me on the site.

Don’t worry about me, I’ll still see the following everyday running on two computers here!