Welcoming Tee Smith’s Mozzy Coasters!

WoodMarvels.com is proud to announce that we have a new designer on our site, Tee Smith, whose background is in industrial design. He designed wonderfully unique, mosquito inspired, wooden coasters which we are very pleased to now have available on our site. These coasters are about 9cm round and come laser-cut on-demand right to your front door. You get six of these with every order, perfect for large families or when visitors come.

You can find these great looking mozzy coasters at at WoodMarvels.com by navigating to Featured Designers / Tee Smith.

We produced a funky animation for these coasters, enjoy!

Revver is down… but we are not 🙂

Things have been very busy here and it seems Revver is down yet again, no worries, we completed our transition to Blip.tv and haven’t looked back since. Blip.tv also has a wonderful feature that actually makes a flash version of our animations which we can embed in our sites usually within an hour verses the day or two it took Revver. The results? We are now able to launch a product within hours of the animation and music production being completed!

Home Page Updated

We started this back in December before our latest site refresh, having a new picture at least on a monthly basis on our site. We have also updated our featured product selection.