Videos Hitting the 50K Views Mark on YouTube!

As I wait for my high-speed internet to be installed leading to a new backlog of videos and projects waiting to be released I noticed that my YouTube account now has 4 videos that have passed the 50K view count alone within!

Build your own wooden Full Armor Gear Bull!

Released four years ago, this design was part of my “Full Armor Gear” series of three designs I came-up with while sketching on the side of a river in South Korea. I was trying to think of a design that would be very smooth without any sharp corners perfect for a very small child to play with and very solid.

Semi-trailer Truck: How to Build (720HD)

As you see from the first video, as time passed, the resolution and image quality improved dramatically… thanks to hardware and software investments. I designed this semi-trailer in a specific way to be easily expanded into a larger toy framework… like the way they build cars today using as many similar components as possible. I just never got around to adding more cabs and trailer types! This video was produced two years ago… time goes FAST!

Build your own wooden Mobile Crane!

Another video that’s 4 years old! I designed the mobile crane after designing the platform crane and wanting something that can move around instead of staying static. This model has since evolved into a completely redesigned “B” version that’s stronger and has since expanded into a CNC table router version that I was busy designing until I got side-tracked… moving from Canada to Australia and having to put my ShopBot Desktop on a 3 month ocean trip followed by 6 months of storage… then traveling across Australia with it just a few weeks ago in a van! This model lends itself well to being CNC routed because the parts are large and not too detailed.

MK3 Bobcat: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Probably one of my favorite videos with a good “end story” – I got away from doing that due to rendering times and massive queues of designs… time is at a premium now which I hope to solve in a few weeks (special announcement coming soon). This video is a year old and the model is from David Newman whose gone through two other bobcat designs before coming-up with his third – which is the same framework I used to do the CNC table router version you see in his profile there as well. What I especially like about his design is that it really showcases what can be made simply by layering flat pieces onto one another using a few guides and glue.