Upcoming CNC Book Cover

Just got the second edit from my editor and will be reviewing additional changes tomorrow but my upcoming 4th volume of CNC designs covering laser, router and 3D printers is well on track for a September release.

I’ve been noticeably absent from the scenes as I’ve been getting things ready for September – it takes more time to organize things for a book launch than writing the book itself… and that took me 2 years! Today I finished the tentative book cover of the book… very happy with it – special thanks to David Newman for his advice. Have also been working on two new laser models, finished-up a router one and have a few tentative 3D printed models in queue… just need to find time to put it all together.

This was done with a quick draft render (10 minutes to render) – the REAL 3D render of the cover has been going on for the past 7 hours and will probably be finished in a day or two from now. It’s 2600 x 3400 pixels @ 300dpi so the colors and general realism will be greatly increased and my house all the warmer on these cold winter nights!

cncking.com V4 book cover

CNCKing.com V4 book cover

Unlike my previous volumes, I wanted something a lot more colorful as I’m covering more than just wooden models – there is a tremendous amount of info in this 450 page design book – awesome interviews from people like Cathy Lewis, Ted Hall, Simon Moore… anyways, will post a full listing of the index shortly. Bar none, the best book I’ve ever published, also the biggest and the heaviest too!