Tumblr.com: Achieving a worthless 250 post badge!

I got this e-mail this morning… apparently I achieved a massive goal of a quarter of a thousand posts on Tumblr and that meant I kicked-in an autoresponder that is not only uninspiring but completely clueless.

You’d think the programmers over at Tumblr would at least set-up an automated system to grab pictures and make some nice graphic or give me some stats… nope, just a random worthless guild e-badge. I guess that requires a bit more effort than what I put into this system in the first place.

Tumblr Badge

What’s funny is that I achieved this milestone by logging into my Tumblr account ONCE (when I set it up) and then setting-up my wordpress blogs cncking.com and CNCKingdom.com to automatically post to my account. So, I used an automated system that requires no work on my behalf to receive an e-mail from another automated system saying I did a good job by never visiting said system after account activation!

Valueless Value

What I find interesting is that each time Twitter releases it’s traffic reports, it refuses to publish a breakdown of how many users actually VISIT their website – you got it… I have an automated posting system sending my blog postings there! Yep, Facebook as well…

This brings-up a larger issue, what exactly did Yahoo buy? What exactly is the value of Twitter… and much of the social media landscape if it’s just a bunch of robots sending information to other robots? Yahoo has yet to find a way to monetize Tumblr after spending over a billion to acquire it and I think this gives you a glimpse as to why.

Visit me on Tumblr!

Go ahead, you can check me out at http://cncking.tumblr.com – I find their stream rather dull and boring – at least FB has put a little effort into building a community even if nobody sees your posts anyways. This makes me think of Twitter but with pictures minus all the extra junk that Facebook throws into it’s feeds.

I’m so happy I’m not investing any time or money beyond a one-time automated posting set-up with these social wastes of time… of course, I count Google+ in that category as well – find it at https://plus.google.com/+Cncking – same automated content as Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter.

Where’s the value proposition with these systems again?