Trotec + WoodMarvels at Visual Impact Image Expo – Sydney 2011 has teamed-up again with Trotec Australia for the Sydney 2011 Visual Impact Image Expo, this time with a custom designed trophy which I designed and didn’t release to the public. The Physics Trophy is made of 42 interlocking pieces and measures 33cm square with a thickness of 16cm using 6mm wood. Here are some pictures of it along with the Trotec Australia crew:

A very special thanks to David Newman (a designer here at and laser shop owner) for cutting the model and engraving a plaque for it too!

If you are attending the show, take some pictures, meet-up with the Trotec Australia crew and be sure to send my regards!

You can get your tickets today and go there tonight, here’s the info.

Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre,
Darling Drive, Darling Harbour,

I will release the plans and files for the trophy in a few days, rest assured, there are more trophies where this one came from! Stay tuned as lots of very exciting news is going on this month!