Top 9 Favorite WoodMarvels of 2008!

Working on models for is great fun, there is no limit of things that I can create and I am bringing joy to people around the world who are both receiving pre-cut kits and blueprints which they can build on their own. We are now testing-out a few new concepts and if they work to plan, making fundamental changes to how we build things here (hence the hold-up in releasing new models). We will announce these at a later date. In the meantime, here are my favorite WoodMarvels so far for the year!

Full Armor Gear Tank

As you may have noticed, the music changes abruptly around the end, we where trying something out but at the end, our computers couldn’t handle the rendering times so we had to drop it. Originally, after the assembly animation, we where going to have a disco light fall from the ceiling, the floor change colors and a bunch of other things but time got us. The music for this animation, which we produced, was perfect otherwise. We want to start playing around with adding a little “story” at the end of each animation… the first of which you will see with our upcoming TRAIN ENGINE!

Pyramid Calendar

Trying to figure-out a new way of viewing the date took a bit of brainstorming but at the end, we think this piece really looks and functions perfectly. This is a relatively simple model compared to the more complicated stuff we have produced but it was still a challenge getting the look and angles perfect so everything was viewable from an angle.

Dinosaur Family

Dinosaurs are cool no matter your age and our family has been doing fantastically on our site. We do plan on creating far more animal, fish and bird related models in the future, it’s fun and allows us to create very unique characters for your child to play with.

Desktop Shuffleboard

This year we ventured into the desktop games marketplace with this and our desktop bowling blueprints, we have had some demand about offering them as pre-cut kits as well, don’t worry, this is coming soon enough. We look forward to creating an entire series of on-demand wooden board games in the future.


Submarines are truly a marvel to behold, if you ever had the pleasure of visiting one (which I have), it’s incredible how much technology can be put into such a small area. If you think your place is crammed right now, imagine living on a sub a thousand feet under water! This is one of our earlier models but still among my favorites.

Halloween Guillotine Tray

At first, this model was suppose to just be a regular guillotine but the more we worked on it, the more we enjoyed adding small details such as the side body coffin and the complete stage assembly when ended-up being a hidden tray and garbage compartment. The music didn’t quite come-out how we would have hoped but as we are new to music production, not a big deal, we will only improve.

Portable Wood Tray Table

Our portable wood tray table with many degrees of elevation was our first foray into “tables” and we are hoping to get a few more complicated ones completed next year. We want to get into making hidden spaces and tables that are anything but once you uncover their secrets.


We think public transportation is fun, creating a model that children can play with and learn this on experience, we though, would be a great idea. This is one of our more complicated models but the music and assembly taught us a lot which we later applied towards our first model on this blog, the Full Armor Gear Tank!

Environmental Puzzles

Puzzles are cool at any age but being unable to find some that suited our message, we decided to create some of our own. This year we finished 4 series of puzzles and we look forward to creating a bunch more next year. One thing you may not be aware is that our puzzles all use the same cutting which means you can share pieces between them. The advantage of this is if you loose a piece it isn’t a big deal as you can take one from another puzzle of the same size.