Tim Bourke, CEO of Just Right Products (USA)

Timothy R. BourkeTim is the president and head of product development for Just Right Products, a company that prides itself in “Made in the USA” innovations and product lines. He has four registered patents and two more on the way and is best known as the inventor of the Super Rope Cinch. You can find-out more about his company by visiting it online at http://justrightproductsllc.com.

Can you give me a little background about yourself and how you got into “inventing as a career” with Just Right Products?

I’ve always been my own boss. Dropping out of high school halfway through 10th grade, I went to work knowing I had to teach myself everything I wanted to learn. Inventing was no different. I started Just Right Products because I knew I would have several ideas and wanted to control what happened with them.

Where did the idea for Super Rope Cinch come from? What makes it revolutionary?

In 2010 I wondered why are we still tying and untying knots in rope? We have been to the moon and back but still have do this? I really started thinking about this and knew the answer. It was because we never had a choice before. Three days later I had the first prototype in my hand and now we do have a choice and it’s called, “Super Rope Cinch”! Never tie or untie a knot again. We were shocked how many people don’t want to tie or untie knots anymore. It’s a TON…

You’ve been picked-up by Walmart – how easy or hard of a process was getting your own invention sold at their stores?

Playing with the big boys, Walmart, Home Depot, Do It Best, Orgill, Walmart Canada, etc. took three years and a million dollars doing everything ourselves. Time and money are the two biggest things you have to have and plan on needing more of each of them.

Super Rope Cinch

Delving a bit into manufacturing, I’m assuming it’s plastic molded, what were some of the headaches involved with getting the process sorted enough to begin mass production?

The tool/mold we run at this time is a 16 cavity tool that produces 317,000 Super Rope Cinches every 30 days. The tool cost was $130,000 dollars and was built after all the testing was done on a very small tool. knowing we had a ton of testing and changes that would be made, changing a small tool/mold is way more cost affective than changing a large one. As soon as it’s justified we are on track to triple manufacturing and produce 1 million parts a month. We also have a Super Rope Cinch Mini coming out in 2014.

This year you’ve sent over 10 000 units to the UK, what are some other countries that you are distributing your invention in and which markets are you planning on entering in the near future?

With 317 million people in the US and 800 million people in the UK and Europe, we knew we had to setup shop over there. On 10/1/2013 Just Right Products UK & Europe Ltd. was born. Just Right Products Global is next and should happen next year. This will really help us introduce the Super Rope Cinch to the world.

Super Rope Cinch

What advice do you have regarding the the acquisition of a patent. Is it worth it or should people just get a provisional and put all their time and money into developing the market?

I’m on patent number 6 with 2 pending. As a Full/Time inventor I know it is a must to do EVERYTHING you can to protect your inventions and your rights to them. Money changes people and if your invention is capable of making money, people will try to knock it off. At Just Right Products we file for utility patents, trademarks, etc. on everything we invent.

Just Right Products LogoIf you had a time machine, what advice would you give your younger self before jumping into inventing and distributing your own inventions?

If I could go back in time and change things I don’t think I would change to much. It takes time, money, and the right people to really make things happen in life. It takes a village. Make sure that village of people you surround yourself with has the same goal in mind that you do. If you surround yourself with millionaires chances are you will be one. Surround yourself with crackheads, well you can see where this is going. Taking your idea from your mind all the way to retail is not easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it. Know right upfront, the more you want to do and have control of, the more hard work, time, money, etc. you will have to bring to the table. Ask yourself this? Do I want to do this? Not can I do this? Because if you want to do this, you will. You can do anything you set your mind to do. I’m no different than anyone else. Believe in what you are doing, put it in your heart, work hard, give back by helping others, maybe thank someone from above, and watch what happens. You can do anything and everything. It all in your mind. What do you want to do today??? My answer is EVERYTHING and has been for a very long time.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I get asked all the time, how do I do it? It’s really easy I explain. No matter what you do in life to get more out of it, do one more thing today that you did not do yesterday. This applies to everything, not just inventing. To better yourself do one more email, make one more phone call, teach yourself something new, that you did not do or know yesterday. You will move forward in a way you won’t believe. When I said I wanted to retail the Super Rope Cinch for $3.99 and make it in the USA, everyone told me I was crazy. Knowing China didn’t need to change but we did, I had to prove it could be done. What I had to do was setup manufacturing just outside Dallas with our packager and warehouse 10 miles down the road. I’m so proud to say everything is 100% made in the USA. My point is this. Let’s get busy people and make things happen because we can. This is the USA and if your not a millionaire, it’s because you don’t want to be one. Remember, you can do whatever you set your mind to do, I promise.

You can find-out more about Just Right Products by visiting http://justrightproductsllc.com.