The importance of taking a break from other’s work

Although I really enjoy working and learning from other designers here at, I still need to take a break and design my own stuff as well.

Importance of applying new knowledge

Learning new things from others is nice but not very useful until you put them in practice. If you wait too long though, you quickly forget what you learned and never really progress. After I designed the Platform Crane B, I pretty much went on a design binge getting our other designer’s stuff launched and updated on

Platform Crane B: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Time flies!

I’ve been so busy here that I realized just a few days ago that almost two months had passed since I actually designed something myself! There were some really cool designs launched during this time of course, but nothing that I designed. So, although I have a few designer’s stuff queued up to work on, I put them aside and just started designing again. I really enjoy the whole process behind it, learning from others, better and stronger construction methods and simply the challenge of creating something NEW.

New truck soon!

Army Transport TruckSo here’s a sneak peek at a new truck I’ll launch on very soon, I’m rendering something else out at the moment but this will be the next one on the list. I like to design over a few days as I new ideas come to mind as a project gels together. Looking at this model, I see influences from Jerry’s Santas Sled and Reindeer to David’s MK2 Rocket all the way to Stephane’s recently launched Tractor. That tractor… I just had to make something at least equivalent to that amazing design and I think I’ve succeeded. I’ve also seen this kind of progress in David’s designs as well, we are all getting better together which makes this all the more fun for all involved!

Evolution of an Army Transport Truck design

One aspect that I really enjoy about coming up with new designs through the years is looking back at what I thought looked cool and difficult. As you saw with the evolution of my tank design, I’ve also taken a hell of a leap with the transport truck concept as well! Here is the first one I ever tried to design.

Full Armor Gear Transporter: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD) –> Designed roughly two years ago, re-rendered 3 months ago

Semi-trailer Truck: How to Build (720HD): Designed and rendered roughly 6 months ago

It’s all in the details

As you can see, the largest change that can be seen is the attention to detail as my design skills mature. Where a few years ago I’d stop refining my design once I could say “I wish I had this when I was a kid”, over the years the point at which this is achieved gets tighter. Meaning I have higher standards now as I always try to “up” myself. What was fine even 5 months ago, is no longer where my attention to detail is NOW. When I look back, it’s astounding how much I can design in a given session. Not only do these designs get done much faster than before, but the design errors go down dramatically as I can now design in 3D both in the computer and my mind. I’ve managed to visualize the way I design… something that’s taken me years to develop.

The Bottom Line

Do what you love and progress will be an effortless tasks!