The End of

The end of WoodMarvels.comWell, in less than two weeks all the work required to successfully migrated and to has been completed. Successfully! I’ve now switched the DNS over to point to the new home of all the content and 4 years of work so within a day or two will no longer exist online… a few days later I’ll wipe the system clean and it’s all done and over with.

Although I should be sad, I’m very excited about the possibilities now ahead of me with – it’s like driving an old car fo r many years then finally getting a new one! You see the old car in photographs and memories but they fade rather quickly when you got a new toy in the driveway.

I’ve taken one last screenshot of right before the DNS switch – will be fun to look back upon my design beginnings when I’m 100 years old and can’t remember how to tie my shoelaces but will remember spending years in a small Korean and Chinese apartment designing day and night to bring the site’s catalog up!

Now the job ahead of me is equally as large – keep pushing through a backlog that’s a mile long that has grown from one CNC machine type to 4! The most enjoyable aspect of this whole move has been rethinking of the way I’ve grown the site over the past few years… there is so much left to do and so little time! Lots of new ideas and concepts to try!

Of course, this all wouldn’t have been possible without the help of great companies like ShopBot Tools and Trotec Lasers – both have gotten me places and provided me opportunities that allowed the site to really grow far faster and efficiently that it would have otherwise.

All the other designers have also made their contribution – both in teaching me new ways of putting things together and ideas for future models. My parents also helped me out tremendously – none of this would have been possible without all these people and I look forward to growing the site into a major player in the CNC industry!