Thanks Customers!

As we approach a new year, I look back on what has become over the past 7 years with amazement… it’s because of those that believe in my company and creativity enough to actually buy something! It’s quite a leap and something that is never far from my mind.

I remember how awesome it felt when I got my very first sale and that feeling has never left me, though the orders and their value have gone-up dramatically since then, the gratitude I have each time it happens never changes. has generated sales on every continent short of Antarctica – penguins aren’t that big into CNC equipment apparently! Not only has year on year growth been steady but our customer list is starting to grow faster, I noticed it with the newsletter where there use to be only a few “additions” a week and now on some days, that number goes up more than what use to happen in a month!

Since the very beginning, my approach has been on educating and showing people how to do what I do without wasting as much time as I have doing down dead-ends. The books I write and other designers contribute to the site with their designs and thoughts in my books are a wonderful way to cut corners and learn skills faster that took me years to get down. The fact that generates money across a variety of verticals is bonus – I believe in generating sales through education, not a hard push – and it has worked for me!

A special thank you to all my customers – it’s with your support that my dreams are being realized bit by bit. Next year will be fun!