Testimonial: Matthew’s Medieval Castle Walls B (USA)
I got a testimonial from Matthew who ordered both the WoodMarvels.com free Medieval Castle Walls and the EPS file for the Medieval Castle Walls B – using both he created a model that was made uniquely for his child. Below are the pictures and testimonial. This testimonial made me especially proud because a child had a very unique toy built by his father using designs I made… which meant a lot!
(I blurred the kid’s faces in the pictures)
Hi Jon,
Well the castle was a big hit at my nephew’s birthday party. He abandoned all of his gifts (including a lego castle and Wii/DS games) for the wooden castle. The other children all gathered round to watch and help build it. I had most of the major components complete and shellacked. Here are some pictures of the castle almost complete:
I had to move things around and scale the drawings to work on my laser. My laser bed is only 24″ x 15″ (Epilog Express). I did find some double lines between the ladders, I know it’s hard to find all of them, I use Corel draw and I just move an object and see what moves with it, then undo the move.
I have lots of ideas for things to complement the castle. I’ll share them as I get them done. I might have a few orders for additional castles after my coworkers and friends saw it. I understand your license and I’ll honor it if I make another.
I’d like the plans for the Rusk Fortress to try it out. I think it’d be a hit as well.
Thanks Again!
– Matt
3D Assembly Animation of Medieval Castle Walls B
This is still my favorite animation out of everything I’ve produced… music, sequence of assembly. Everything just comes together perfectly!