TAICO Laser Technology likes WoodMarvels.com!

TAICO Laser Technology, out of São Paulo, Brazil, wrote a small piece about the designs found at WoodMarvels.com


and also stuck the Medieval Castle Walls B on their corporate home page!


Although they didn’t ask permission much less tell me about this (I found out through my stats) – they did attribute the images back to me so I’m happy that all their customers are finding out about WoodMarvels.com’s plans! If I had to decide between the awesome Mars Rover picture that Angus Hines took or my Medieval Castle Walls B render… I would have used Angus’ photograph. To each his own!


You know you’re making progress when others use your brand to showcase their technology! I wish all the other laser manufacturers did the same… it’s great free advertising!

Medieval Castle Walls B: How to Build (HD)

Mars Rover: Opportunity: Assembly Pictures Video (720HD)