Sneak Peek: Medieval Castle Walls B

Things are always nuts here at simply due to how many on-going projects I have on my mental slate to turn into reality. One of my first, more complicated models was the Medieval Castle Walls which due to the manner it was made (before I even knew of laser cutting possibilities) it could never be updated without completely remodeling the entire product from scratch. Here is the old Medieval Castle Walls animation.

Well, I am just about done completely remaking this model. Here is a picture, things will still change slightly as I do a few more refinements but generally, this design is far easier to construct, will be available in laser cut kits in addition to blueprints and even better, Medieval Castle Walls B is far larger with even more stuff that a child can play around with!

Coming soon to a doorstep near you!

Coming soon to a doorstep near you!

Yes, those are removeable ladders on the top and many other cool little features.