
Thanks to my involvement in the 3D printing world, I discovered how little I know and have yet to learn! I was looking for a way to gain knowledge from professionals in the field and it lead me down the path of

What is

It’s a free online directory for sharing knowledge and promoting your business to others across various creative fields. Whether you own a CNC router, laser cutter, plasma cutter, 3d printer or a robot that makes everything you tell it to… is for you!

Each technology has its + and –

Designs can be made using several technologies, sometimes just one is useful but other times, a mix is needed. Each technology has it’s limitations and strengths and 3D printing is no different. 3D printing is still too darn expensive but dropping fast, laser cutters are cheaper but you are stuck to x and y and CNCs offer the benefits of x, y, z and cheaper production but nowhere near the resolution you can get from the other two main making technologies out there.

Basically, use the technology that best suits the project instead of the other way around. For example just look at the 3D printable version of my 1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout vs the cnc/laser version.

1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout: 3D Printing Animation (720HD)

1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

What does it all mean?

The future isn’t ONE technology, it’s applying the best of all worlds to create an amazing finished model. You want to have a model with gears that doesn’t require assembly? 3D is the way to go… want something BIG that a kid can jump on and throw down the stairs? CNC/laser is the way to go.

Hence, was born and are experiments in showing what is possible in various creative fields but until now, there isn’t any one place where the creatives from various fields can promote their businesses/services and discuss with one another. There are forums for traditional woodworkers, forums for gadget makers etc… but not one bringing them all together under one roof.

The other very important aspect of is the directory. If I have a question about a 3D printable model I’m designing, I know exactly who I can send an e-mail to for a model review – whether it’s the manufacturer or an expert designer. If I want to know how to best create engravings for laser cutting, again, I can have direct conversations with the manufacturer or a highly experienced shop owner. If I want to design my own machine – I know people who can help me and will offer advice on how to proceed! I have the absolute privilege of having conversations with people who are experts and I want others to be able to have the same.

Where do YOU start?

1. Visit the site and be sure to add your business to the online directory – no is no charge for a Free Package.

2. Join the forum, introduce yourself and start sharing knowledge with others!

3. Tell all your friends about – the success or failure of the site is on the shoulders of the participants.

See you there!