Shelter 2.0: CNC Project Launch!

shelter20Every once in a while, a truly amazing project comes along that I really want to have on the site and Shelter 2.0 is one of them. What’s even better is that it’s a free project! If you watch the video I made when I went to ShopBot HQ to get a ShopBot Desktop, you’ll see this shelter a few times in it (last video in following list, 2 minute mark). This was designed by Bill Young over at to help provide homes to those whose luck didn’t strike them in the best of ways and it’s not only incredibly strong and easy to build… but shows the awesome potential of the Shelter 2.0 design. I’ve seen lots of designs – this is the first one that I’ve been able to walk on and could easily support my weight. I think it would make for a fantastic workshop or shed in the back yard as well.

You can find the product download link at under ShopBot Table Router Projects / Buildings.

Shelter 2.0 CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

Shelter 2.0 in Haiti (1080HD)

2011 ShopBot Tools Road Trip