Semi-trailer Truck: D*evolution Video

If you want to see the design process I went through with the building of the Semi-trailer Truck I released a week or so ago, this video is for you!

I’m still playing around with the concept of how to best present this, with the move to 720p, my screen shot resolutions weren’t made at high enough resolution so next time around, it should be much clearer. Also, I’ve stopped reversing the music on these videos… feels rather sinister in hindsight 😉 I think (for now), a standard sound track for these kinds of videos is the way to go. We will see… I’m also considering doing some wireframe renders as well.

Semi-trailer Truck: D*Evolution (720HD)

You can find this Semi-trailer Truck under Category / Vehicles / Construction at

Semi-trailer Truck: How to Build (720HD)