320 Search Results for "bus"
Back in October of 2011, I made a promise to my wife that I wouldn't shave or cut my hair again until we met again a few months later - we were both in China and applying to settle in...
Over the coming week, all my WoodMarvels.com books will be made available at the following sites: Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it and Amazon.es - beforehand, I had to process the orders manually through a third party to enable delivery. On a...
3D Printing is poised to become a part of our daily lives, allowing consumers to make things in a new era of mass customization. Once an expensive technology used by engineers, 3D printers today print car bodies, medical and dental...
I've always been interested in animation since I was a child but I had one major problem... I couldn't draw. Stick figures is about as artistic as I can be as what I have in my mind doesn't translate well...
Every once in a while, I get a complaint from a potential customer who can't understand why they are unable to buy a digital file from WoodMarvels.com once for say 7.95$ and cut unlimited amount to sell in the back...
The 3D marketplace is really starting to heat-up... and then a 500$ 3D printer called the Solidoodle enters the arena. To put this into perspective, the most "popular" 3D extruder out there right now is the MakerBot - they launched...
How do you print a rubber balloon? It's a complex question as the volume goes UP once you start blowing into it... leave it to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Disney Research to figure this one out! Based out...
Two months ago somebody asked the Spanish version of Yahoo Answers where they could find wooden dinosaur models for their classroom and the answer came-up with WoodMarvels.com! http://mx.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120211132604AAhbfDc That's pretty neat considering the site is in English... a few days...
SolidSmack had an interesting article today about Paramount sending a Cease and Desist order to a 3D designer who created their own 3D printable model based on their Intellectual Property. How far does IP go? I've had first hand experience...
A current limitation that I have in the garage when I assemble my CNC projects is clamps - it seems there are never enough of them laying around! When I cut stuff with my ShopBot Desktop, I prefer to cut...