320 Search Results for "bus"
As a first generation immigrant entrepreneur who left a well-paying job at Microsoft to start his own company, Ruchit's hands-on experience in entrepreneurship is very valuable from how to take a business idea from imagination to a real company, ways...
The stock market is very much a fool's game, you can lose a fortune and unless you own the listing exchange, are involved with the initial IPO or have some solid advice - you know what you are getting yourself...
A question I've been asking myself for the past few months was do I see CNCKing.com as a stepping stone towards something else or the business itself being a lifestyle. With all the interviews I've been having over at CNCKingdom.com...
Nathan is one of those guys where the Universe seems to go around him instead of the other way around... as a result, what he's achieved is difficult for me to put into words in any kind of condensed form......
Ken is the President and partner in the Singaporean design firm with two additional offices in Shanghai, Titane+ which has a rather methodical yet flexible approach towards design. From engineering to product development to research to design - they offer...
I know... this is a design blog, not a financial one... but a trend I've seen among designers is that you have those who have stuck gold and others who are just getting by... in both cases, financial literacy is...
What I love about running a online business is the global scale and influence you can quickly achieve, what I find inspiring is that Remi is in the process of doing the same in the physical world with Tempus Development...
Industrial and office designer Werner Olivier has some great ideas along with some very impressive drawing skills that makes for an awesome combination. Key takeaways from this interview include: The best way to learn the program is to go into...
It started “innocently” when I was running my industrial 3D animation studio back before the .com boom of 2000. I was in the middle of contacting every manufacturing company in the world in order to offer my companies 3D animation...
Working as a Senior Product Designer at Gnosis Product Development (China), Richard uses his extensive background in team management, product, concept and furniture design to help them compete and grow into new markets. As you'll see in this interview, he's...