274 Search Results for "ark"
I've done a guest post for EngraversRegister.com which you can read about in the link provided below. It's focused on the design aspects of my Sydney ANZAC War Monument which has almost 300 pieces! http://engraversregister.com/cncking-coms-sydney-anzac-war-memorial-300-pieces-of-mayhem/ If you are unfamiliar with...
I recently got into contact with Michael Joyce, the founder and designer of B9Creator to learn more about his views about the 3D printing industry and the challenges of developing your own 3D printer. His creation has enjoyed tremendous success...
As part of my strategy to conquer the CNC digital project field with CNCKing.com, I've been uploading my animations to foreign sites including Youku and Tudou - the Chinese equivalent to YouTube as that site is banned in China. Most...
Yep, if you want to cut the Stegosaurus Twins available on CNCKing.com under Trotec Laser / It's Alive! you are looking at three and a half minutes of cutting time if you are fortunate enough to use an 80 watt...
When I was a young kid, I realized two important truths in life - one is that you build your own luck and second, if you want to get lots of stuff done, don't burn out! I want to focus...
I went to Japan several times through the years and each time I go there, I'm awed at how amazingly clean and kind the people are there. It's very hard to describe to somebody who has never traveled to this...
Last night I bought my very first 3D printer - the 2nd generation Cube by 3D Systems. Although I've been doing 3D for over a decade and as you can see on CNCKing.com - know my way around electrons -...
There are many things about CNCKing.com that make it as successful as it has been and will continue to be - let me share some of what I've learned to that it may help your business! OWN YOUR OWN CONTENT...
Makerbot has recently released it's AFFORDABLE 3d digitizer into the market... I think it's great having competition in this area but it raises a lot of issues that I'd like to discuss here. Unlike most of the other 3D printing...
This month I reflected a bit a on what is CNCKing.com and also had an interesting ISBN issue on Amazon.com that caused some of my books to go up to 20x their normal value! As usual, I didn't get as...