Roman Soldier Knife Block: Assembly Animation & Shots

I’ve completed the 3D assembly animation of a new upcoming model here on, the Roman Soldier Knife Block. The position and size of the holes can be easily modified so that’s why I didn’t include them until the very end as not everybody has the same sized knives and other kitchen utensils.

Here are some additional renders at different angles, knives aren’t generally heavy so this should be more than strong enough to hold lots of knives. That’s one reason why I tripled the thickness of the guy holding it, one arm “thickness” might be pushing it strength wise but three “thicknesses” is plenty of plywood especially when all glued together.

Roman Soldier Knife Block

Roman Soldier Knife Block

Roman Soldier Knife Block

Roman Soldier Knife Block

Roman Soldier Knife Block

I’m very happy with the stance, it isn’t cowering away from danger but facing into it and getting ready to attack back!