Radmila Petrovic, Architect (Serbia)
We tend to put professions into molds, architecture is about buildings, fashion is about cloths and calligraphy is about words… but these are all illusions created by our mind to understand the world around us in simple terms. As Radmila discovered, when you concentrate on one profession, it opens doors to others and the knowledge you acquired is just as easily transferable.
One of the things I realized early on is that what I design for CNC routers can be easily cut with a laser or plasma cutter… the tool you use is secondary to the design but you need knowledge of them before being able to design properly for them.
You can get a hold of Radmila by visiting http://radmilau.portfoliolounge.com/
Have you always been inspired by architecture and design or did this passion arise later in life?
I was always attracted by design in all fields of its use. But, what I always wanted to do, was actually fashion design. However, when looking back, I think the choice of architecture was a good choice. Now I realize it’s all about attitude, and definitely approach. So, being an architect doesn’t mean you won’t design a fashion collection one day. ( laugh)
(serbian) Oduvek me je privlačio dizajn u svakom obliku. Ali, ono čime sam zapravo oduvek želela da se bavim, bio je modni dizajn. Medjutim, kada vratim vreme, mislim da je izbor arhitekture bio pravi izbor. Sada shvatam da je sve u stavu, i definitivno pristupu. Dakle, biti arhitekta ne znači da nećete dizajnirati modnu kolekciju jedan dan. (Smeh)
When you acquired your Bachelors (B.Arch) from the University of Belgrade, what made you want to continue your studies to get your Masters (M.Arch)?
I didn’t look at my studies just as something I have to finish, in order to get diploma which will lead me to earn for everyday life. For me, that period was period when I finally come to place where I can play what I always wanted and learn how that game is playing. Master studies are just natural extension of that, expanding horizons. Architecture is my way of getting to know the world, myself, and other people. It serves my sense of curiosity more than anything else.
(serbian) Nisam gledala na studije kao na nešto što moram završiti, kako bi dobila diplomu koja će mi omogućiti da zaradjujem za svakodnevni život. Za mene je to razdoblje bilo razdoblje kada sam napokon došla na mesto gde se mogu igrati onim što sam oduvek želela i naučiti kako da se ta igra igra. Master studije su samo prirodni nastavak toga, širenja vidika. Arhitektura je moj način upoznavanja sveta, sebe i drugih ljudi. Ona služi mom osećaju radoznalosti više nego bilo šta drugo.
During the course of your studies, what aspects of your architectural program did you enjoy most and least? Did it prepare you well for your later work?
During my studies I was really into parametric architecture, testing new approaches to the design, as well as new typologies. I can not say what I enjoy the least, but probably everything I found too traditional in that moment, some established forms, lot of rules…Of course, all of that prepared me well to start working in the profession, but what comes after studying is studying again. And again.
(serbian) Tokom studija bila sam zaista zainteresovana za parametričku arhitekturu, testiranje novih pristupa dizajnu, kao i novih tipologija. Ne mogu reći u čemu sam najmanje uživala, ali verovatno je u onim stvarima koje su mi se cinile previše tradicionalne u tom trenutku, neke postojeće forme, puno pravila … Naravno, sve to me je pripremilo za dobar početak rada u struci, ali ono što dolazi nakon studiranja je opet studiranje. I opet.
A ‘’Beer store & bar” that’s 70m2 is incredibly small… what are some of the design challenges with creating a retail space within such a small space? Do you prefer designing for small spaces or larger ones?
For me, the dimensions are not indication of the complexity or functionality or even good atmosphere. Challenge is always big, even when the space is small. What’s more, really small spaces are really big challenge if you want to achieve outstanding space which functions well. You must make use of every inch there.
(serbian) Za mene, dimenzije nisu pokazatelj složenosti ili funkcionalnosti ili dobre atmosfere. Izazov je uvek veliki, čak i kad je prostor mali. Šta više, jako mali prostori su zaista veliki izazov, ako želite postići izvrsne prostore koji dobro funkcionisu. Tada morate iskoristiti svaki milimetar.
Who are some of the designers/architects you look towards emulating the most? Which ones inspire you the most and why?
I have to single out Diller Scofidio + Renfro, because of their integrating the architecture, the visual arts, and the performing arts. Still remember how strong impression ‘’The Blur Building’’ – pavilion of ‘’vaporous nothingness’’, made on me when I first saw it. Along with them stand Toyo Ito and Dominique Perrault. Toyo Ito because he explores the potentials of new forms and in doing so, he seeks to find new spatial conditions that manifest the philosophy of borderless beings, while Dominique Perrault’s works seems just very so strong and sophisticated to me.
(serbian) Moram izdvojiti studio Diller Scofidio + Renfro, zbog njihove integracije arhitekture, vizualne umetnosti i performansa u radu. Još uvek se sećam kako je jak utisak ostavio na mene ’’The Blur Building’’ – paviljon” parno ništavilo”, kad sam ga prvi put videla. Uz njih stoje svakako Toyo Ito i Dominique Perrault. Toyo Ito, jer istražuje potencijale novih oblika i na taj način, on nastoji pronaći nove prostorne uslove koji manifestuju filozofiju bezgraničnog postojanja, a Dominique Perrault-ov rad jer je jednostavno tako jak i sofisticiran po meni.
I was wondering if finding a good architectural job is easy or difficult in Serbia? What luck have your friends in university had upon graduation?
Of course, the economic crisis has not bypassed architecture. Therefore, there is a plenty of talented and well educated young people who is dealing with it. Some of them had a good luck, the others are still searching for it. But that ‘’luck’’ is mostly connected to hard working and promoting oneself.
(serbian) Naravno, ekonomska kriza nije zaobišla ni arhitekturu. Dakle, dosta je mladih talentovanih i obrazovanih ljudi koji se s tim suočavaju. Neki od njih su imali sreću, ostali su još uvek u potrazi za njom. Ali, ” sreća” je uglavnom povezana zapravo sa marljivim radom i samo-promocijom.
What are your views on the striking designs by Rem Koolhaas? Do you love where he’s taking architecture or do you prefer more traditional designs?
Koolhaas’ habit of ‘’shaking up’’ established conventions has made him one of the most influential architects. And the most provocative, also. I find that very inspiring, and admirable. That is exactly what I find architecture is about.
(serbian) Koolhaas-ova navika ” prodrmavanja” utvrđenih konvencija ucinila ga je jednim od najuticajnijih arhitekata. I najprovokativnijih, takođe. Mislim da je to jako inspirativno i vredno poštovanja. Po mom mišljenju, to je upravo smisao arhitekture.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I will link my favorite quotes: Do what is right, not what is easy. There are no rules of architecture for a castle in a clouds.
(serbian) Vezaću omiljene citate: Učinite ono što je ispravno, a ne ono što je lako. Nema pravila arhitekture za dvorac u oblacima.