Progressive Refinement

I’ve decided that I’ll be wrapping-up my upcoming book during the month of June for a September release… I have a tremendous amount of work done already on it so it’s just at the stage now where progressive refinements on a daily basis are required – checking and rechecking grammar and spelling. Moving articles around, devising a cover, receiving and integrating interviews and stories… getting photography and the layout standardized.

I don’t expect, as such, to release that much “new” over the month of June as a result… the focus has to be on getting this book finished and off to the editors.

Although this will be my 7th published book – it never gets any easier. So many ideas need to be explored and gaps filled. While my previous “ books” were solely focused on showing my stuff, this one is very different – it’s across several CNC machine types, interviews with prominent industry leaders and company founders and it’s a massive resource already pushing close to 350 pages at the moment… my second biggest book thus far in page count (Chinese book was over 400 pages) and will be the biggest I’m sure by weight.

It has taken close to two years to get to this point… I originally had a goal to publish a book every year, something I’ve amazingly been able to stick to but after this one, I have a feeling it will be several years before the 5th volume is released.

I feel like King Kong climbing a high tower right now… will be happy when I get up there and can look down at everything I’ve done!