Ponoko writes about my indiegogo volume 4 campaign

Ponoko, the company that got this whole WoodMarvels.com started in my mind as a distributed laser cutting provider (now table router and 3d printing provider as well) has blogged about my latest Indiegogo campaign to crowd fund my next book. You can read about it here:


Ponoko on CNCKing.com

Ponoko.com and CNCKing.com (formerly WoodMarvels.com) go way back – more than 4 years in fact! If you read through the archive of this blog, you’ll see that each new release on this site use to be accompanied by a release on theirs. I’ve been so busy recently that I haven’t had time to update much on their site but when I do… it’s in spurts!

When they first launched their premium membership, I was one of the first to snatch it up… a lot has changed since then but I always appreciate the help they’ve given me through the years in helping me develop. I remember that there was so much pent-up demand for their membership that the server went down! They’ve grown a lot in staff and influence since those early days as have I… great company and amazing staff!