Ponoko finds Opportunity in the Mars Rover: Writes Blog Post

There is an old kids story about a train engine that has trouble climbing a hill but eventually succeeds because it keeps telling itself “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. Well, I feel like that train engine right now. The wooden Opportunity Mars Rover was designed by me for the shier challenge and out of my passion for space exploration. I even wrote a science fiction book about the topic involving extensive research on the topics that most people have no clue about.

Enough about me, now it’s Ponoko’s turn, they posted a blog article about my Mars Rover: Opportunity which was laser cut by Angus Hines of Hines Design Labs whom we established a partnership with. You can read about it here:


There is A LOT in the works for this model, the news should start trickling down in the coming week. Exciting times as always!

Mars Rover: Opportunity: How to Build (HD)