physics award

Physics Award Updated’s Physics Award has been updated with imagery, branding the 3D animation showing assembly, again, a very old hold-out from the days eons ago.

I never saw a physics award in my life so I thought it would be fun to design one and see how it came out, and I’ve always been very proud of how it came out.

A lot of the models on actually come about that way, I think “wouldn’t it be cool if” and then a week later, it’s done and sometimes made in real life too.

It’s really nice to have this physics award all in one format, resolution and branding, it was fun designing this award and you can read much more about how it came to be in my CNC Anthology (top left header link).

My friend David Newman made a physical version of this award once I released it, here are some pics, he did an amazing job and it bring any of my simulated imagery to shame and as such, it traveled around Australia with Trotec Australia for a few years, and may still be in their showroom somewhere.

physics award

That guy to the left is John Diamond-Coorey, whom years after this picture I actually got to meet and now he’s working out of New Zealand with Trotec – I was able to spend the day with him in Perth and he was an amazing guy.

physics award physics award

These pics are from 2011, just to show you how “old” this model is but it hasn’t aged a bit since then, here it is at another Trotec Australia show, this time with my Sydney Harbor Bridge too!

physics award physics award physics award

This was years before I ever ended-up in Australia working for, which happened to be a Trotec distributor.