47 Search Results for "bird"
The month of February and most of March is still heavily focused on getting CNCKingdom.com on its own feet... there is no way around this intensive work and it does affect my designing time severely but it's got to be...
January blew away so fast I got a whiplash! I got so much done over the holidays that now I'm able to benefit from all the hard work I've put into it. I still have quite a bit of streamlining...
I truly believe that as 3D printers progress in abilities and resolution, people like Christopher will find a whole new market for his designs - what he does with his hands is spectacular, but they could be easily 3D scanned...
I can't believe it's already time for the December Review! A whole year has passed yet again, I'll do a 2013 review shortly to help consolidate things but I'm very proud to finally have the Wooden Wheels done... that was...
In interviewed Philippe Guglielmetti, CEO of Zeepro a few weeks ago about the Zim 3D printer and just the other day, they reached their Kickstarter funding goal. Although they have lots of videos on their kickstarter page, this one video...
I was reminded today at how much has changed in the CNC world talking to a potential business partner in China and Japan - yeah... opportunity is really global! When I first started making these books and designs five years...
Spent the past few days getting all my ducks in order and have launched a new rewards program on CKCKing.com that gives you rewards towards free things on partner sites just for visiting us! How cool is that! Like the...
December flew by, I moved (yet again), this time to Northern Ontario into a remote city of about 100 people but as long as I had internet, I was fine running things as normal. WoodMarvels.com had a flood of activity...
I was expecting the month of August to be a little slow but as you can see from the WoodMarvels.com, that prediction never came to fruition! I decided to begin selling our EPS files, got a bunch of blueprints available...
I am busy publishing other books and have decided to make them "kindled" but for the WoodMarvels.com series of books, of which there will be a second volume shortly, I've decided against that route and instead opted to offer them...