17 Search Results for "serving coffin"
I rather enjoyed designing the WoodMarvels.com Serving Coffin, functional Guillotine Serving Tray and the Sword Shelf about two years ago (wow!) and I look forward to making new items for this year in between other projects. It's really fun to...
We got a new designer joining the ranks of WoodMarvels.com, his name is Dirk and he made an amazing ultra-modern tray which I really like a lot! It fits together using the minimum number of pieces yet is so nice...
I'm happy to announce that WoodMarvels.com: 50 Laser Cutting Plans (Volume 2) in it is now available at Amazon. It includes all of the following designs. Buying this published book in print or digitally on our site saves you close...
To prepare for the upcoming release of my second WoodMarvels.com book, I've completed the update of 50 digital blueprints and assembly instructions that are both found in the book and individually at our site. The difference between them now is...
I was expecting the month of August to be a little slow but as you can see from the WoodMarvels.com, that prediction never came to fruition! I decided to begin selling our EPS files, got a bunch of blueprints available...
There is a surprising amount of things happening here considering I thought the month of August would have been a little slower... it's been anything but in both sales and amount of work happening! I mentioned earlier that I was...
Halloween is a great holiday to have a party and to assume an alter identity. Kids go trick-or-treating to see who can get the most candy, neighbors dress-up their houses to look scary and generally, people have a fun time!...