249 Search Results for "tie"
Sometimes I get so busy on things I forget certain things... like the fact that WoodMarvels.com does have a Facebook page! I'll be getting much more social in the coming months now that my backlog of duties is going back...
Lin got a new laser cutter and the first project he decided to handle was Jarek's Monster Box available exclusively at WoodMarvels.com. This project is straight forward but really tests your laser engraving abilities... he did an amazing job and...
Probably my most memorable thing in August was finally getting my beard and head shaved... eating has since become much easier! I also gave having a "special" a try with good results. August 2012 Happenings Launched more CNC table router...
As I posted earlier this year, I've now moved to Australia from Canada and my ShopBot Desktop from ShopBot Tools should be in my hands in 2-3 weeks... so I'm getting excited! I still have a backlog of completed and...
I've made no secret to convert all my WoodMarvels.com models to be 3D printable - of course, while designing some new stuff too! There are three ways to go about doing this -this is but a glimpse of what needs...
Watching the news it seems like the buzz-word for 2012 is 3D... 3D TVs, 3D movies, 3D audio... basically, I wished I would have had the foresight to purchase every 3D domain out there way back when. What does the...
Although I've posted this before, here is a video link between the two proponents of how 3D printing will be in the future. On the right, you have Bre who is focused on an open sourced ecosystem using the MakerBot...
David made an amazing laser cut Noah's Ark a few months back so I decided to redesign it to take advantage of CNC table router abilities - notably, the ability for Z-axis precision. As you see in the videos, it...
Well, I decided early in the month of May to get some long-delayed website updates done... programmer said it would take about an hour and that's when things went to hell. WoodMarvels.com was thrown offline for about a week and...
It's been what feels like eons but finally in the home-stretch of these e-commerce upgrades being done and finished. I'm holding back releasing new projects until they are done, there is quite a backlog and a few really big projects...