New York World Maker Faire 2010: ShopBot Tools cuts the Platform Crane B! partnered with ShopBot Tools for the 2010 Detroit Maker Faire and the 2010 NY World Maker Faire as well. In the first joint project we did with ShopBot Tools, we designed a quick-build wooden Ford Model T Runabout and for the second, a Platform Crane B which they scaled up by a factor of two!

Here is what the layout looked like using ShopBot Tools path software.

ShopBot Tools Cutting Layout

ShopBot Tools Cutting Layout

Here are the pictures of it being cut by a ShopBot CNC router which did a wonderful job!


ShopBot Tools was also wonderful enough to also handout the following so people knew where they can buy the Platform Crane B model to cut on their very own CNC router.

ShopBot Tools Handout

ShopBot Tools Handout

A very special thanks to Bill at ShopBot Tools for the amazing pictures! You can find-out more about ShopBot Tools at


After Bill tweeted about this blog post on the ShopBot Tools Twitter page, he sent me a link of the crane a photographer took of it. It looks like quite an impressive Platform Crane B!

Wooden Platform Crane at NY World Maker Faire 2010

Wooden Platform Crane at NY World Maker Faire 2010

Photo credit “Scott Beale / Laughing Squid” from

Platform Crane B: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)

1911 Ford Model T Torpedo Runabout: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)